Lviv Media Forum opens a call to join a series of trainings for media professionals as part of the Media Excellence Program

We are launching a series of training sessions for media professionals that will take place on July 15-17 in Lviv at Lviv Media Hub

For three days, participants will learn about:

  • How to plan the work of the newsroom.
  • Market and competitive analysis.
  • How to attract a new audience.
  • Native advertising, sponsorship and partnership projects.
  • Fundraising for the media.

Individual applications can be submitted by:

  • media workers (not only journalists);
  • freelancers - representatives of media professions;
  • bloggers, podcasters, content creators;
  • communications professionals. 

To participate in the selection process, please fill out the form. Deadline: 10 July 2024. 

We will respond to the email address you provided when filling out the form. The number of places in the program is limited. We reserve the right not to disclose the reasons for accepting or refusing to participate in the training.

At the beginning of 2024, the Lviv Media Forum team combined the activities and opportunities of various grant projects related to consultations, training and other forms of training into the Media Excellence Program. This is a long-term support programme aimed at educating and training Ukrainian media professionals. 

Thanks to our cooperation with donors and partners, in 2023 we managed to organise, provide or pay for 173 expert consultations or mini-training for 40 media teams. In 2024, we have already provided 23 consultations and will not stop.

Media Excellence Program became possible thanks to UNESCO, People of Japan and The International Programme for the Development of Communication (IPDC), as well as the Fight for Facts project, implemented jointly with n-ost and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.