Media Excellence Program
Media Excellence Program is a long-term support program provided by Lviv Media Forum aimed at educating and training Ukrainian media professionals. It combines the activities and opportunities of various grant projects related to consultations and other forms of training. As part of the program, we satisfy both collective (for newsroom teams or parts of them) and individual requests, and we also plan long-term training projects (schools) with an open call for applications.
Why it is important for us: In an age when journalism education does not meet international standards as well as the demands of the times, and when technology is changing rapidly, only continuous training, improving professional skills, and mastering new tools can make Ukrainian media competitive and viable. Over the past few years, most of the media support projects implemented by Lviv Media Forum include a consulting/training component or provide an opportunity to choose this form of assistance. In 2023, we organised, provided, or paid for 173 expert consultations or mini-training sessions for 40 media teams. We are committed to developing and expanding this area of our work.
What we offer:
- Online and offline consultations - collective and individual;
- Online lectures, trainings, workshops;
- Offline lectures, trainings, meetings*;
- Comprehensive training projects (online and offline schools)*.
*Whenever possible and within the framework of individual projects that provide for this.
What the topics of consultations/training could be:
We will try to satisfy any request related to the work of media and media professionals.
The most common requests include creating different types of content, social media promotion and adaptation of content for social media, optimising website and content for search engines, using Google Analytics and audience analysis, developing editorial rules, fact-checking and working with sources, producing video content, financial management and writing grant applications, legal advice, selling advertising, creating and developing a community of readers, data analysis and visualisation, digital security, organising editorial processes, writing grant applications, etc.
Who can benefit from the program: We accept applications for consultation/training without reference to specific projects and will announce a call for applications for individual training/education cycles. Collective applications can be submitted by media that:
- legally operating in Ukraine (not necessarily registered as media);
- have a transparent ownership structure and legal income;
- do not spread pro-Russian or anti-Ukrainian narratives, and are not politically biased;
- follow professional and ethical standards of journalism.
Individual applications can be submitted by:
- media workers (not only journalists);
- freelancers - representatives of media professions;
- bloggers, podcasters, content creators;
- students of media specialities;
- communications professionals.
This list can be expanded or refined according to the priorities of individual projects.
Those who cannot use the program:
People and organisations that are not involved in the media.
Who are our experts:
Trainers, consultants, and speakers of the program are Ukrainian experts who, in our opinion, are best versed in the requested topics. We offer applicants a list of experts who can meet their needs, but we are also ready to discuss work requests with specific experts.
If you would like to work with us as an expert on the Media Excellence Program, please contact info@lvivmediaforum.com.
How it works: We are not currently accepting applications for this program. We will additionally inform our audience about the start of the application process and post a link to the form.
We will get back to you within a week to let you know if we can accommodate your request and agree on the next steps. If we are not currently able to fulfil the request, we will either offer to put the request on hold or suggest an alternative if possible. We do not guarantee the fulfilment of all requests and reserve the right to refuse a request without explanation.
This program became possible thanks to UNESCO, People of Japan and The International Program for the Development of Communication (IPDC), as well as the Fight for Facts project, implemented jointly with n-ost and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.