Announcing the X LMF program

In 2024, the conference will be held on 16-18 May. The focus theme of the anniversary event: “Common Language for Common Sense: Search For Meaning in Polarized World”. The location is one of Lviv's shelters.

Since 2013, LMF has been the largest conference about media and for media professionals in Eastern and Central Europe. The conference is organised by the Lviv Media Forum NGO. Last year, the organisers changed the format and focused on issues that are critical to international support for Ukraine in times of great war.

“The time when the breaking news about the Russian invasion ensured the world’s solidarity with Ukraine has passed. Now, in order to be heard and receive support, we must engage with the global community on equal footing, articulate ourselves, and understand others,” says the head of NGO Lviv Media Forum, Olga Myrovych.

The conference program will include

The X LMF program is formed by two threads: Common Language and Common Sense. Over three days, speakers and participants will work together to find common ground and define the role of media, civil society, international organisations, national authorities, diplomats and other stakeholders in this search. The participants will take part in workshops, discussions, public interviews, presentations and masterclasses. The working language is English, with simultaneous translation available in Ukrainian. The full program is available here.  

The keynote speakers of the X LMF program will be:

Oleksandra Matviichuk — Nobel Peace Prize laureate in 2022, head of the Center for Civil Liberties, human rights lawyer.

Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak — an American literary critic and philosopher, professor at Columbia University. She is a co-founder of the theory of postcolonialism, focusing in particular on the role of women in postcolonial discourse.

In addition, the speakers of the anniversary conference include: British neurosurgeon Henry Marsh; Professor of European Studies at Oxford University Timothy Garton Ash; British writer, journalist and war correspondent David Patrikarakos; CEO of Superhumans Center Olga Rudnieva; Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets; journalist, documentary filmmaker, founder of the Public Interest Journalism Lab, co-founder of The Reckoning Project Nataliya Gumenyuk and others.

How to join X LMF

"We are not selling tickets to this year's conference - it will be free of charge," say the organisers, "but we encourage X LMF guests to contribute to our work so that we can continue to help Ukrainian journalists and media.”

Lviv Media Forum will invite all guests of the X LMF conference to donate to the development of an ongoing programme of psychological support for media professionals. 

To become a participant in the anniversary conference, please fill out the form

If you have any questions about the conference, please contact