13 more media outlets will receive financial assistance from Media Emergency Fund

Within the second call, 13 national and local Ukrainian media will take part in the Media Emergency Fund program implemented by Lviv Media Forum. They have been scored the highest after expert evaluation.

These are: Korydor, Varosh, Vezha, Gluzd, ShoTam, Slidstvo.Info, Konotop.City, Kyiv Post, Radio Skovoroda, Golos Gromady, Gre4ka, Lutsk.Rayon, Media Business Reports (MBR).

The media will receive financial support to produce cycles of 4-8 materials in solutions journalism style, aimed at increasing public solidarity and activity. As a result, about 80 materials will be published within the second round.

Earlier, 15 media outlets have received the Media Emergency Fund assistance. The organization is going to announce the next call for this program soon.

The Media Emergency Fund is supported by the Media Development Fund of the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine and the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Ukraine.

The Media Community – Donors, NGOs, and foundations who want to get involved in supporting the #healthymedia could contact Lviv Media Forum team at info@lvivmediaforum.com.