West Ukrainian Media Network For Countering Disinformation

During the summer of 2021 PO «Lviv Media Forum» in collaboration with news outlets Zaxid.Net (Lviv), Shpalta (Chernivtsi), KURS (Ivano-Frankivsk) та Varosh (Uzhhorod) created «West Ukrainian Media Network For Countering Disinformation» project with intention to help local media effectively combat news manipulations, toxic narratives and disinformation.

Team of experts assessed main channels and causes of disinformation spreading and types of content that is being consumed by audience aged 16 to 65. The research was held in four oblasts of West Ukraine: Lvivs'ka, Zakarpats’ka, Ivano-Frankivs’ka and Chernivets’ka.

During the research the following was conducted:  

  • expert interviews;
  • local and social media monitoring;
  • sociological studies.

To understand practices of media consumption together with Fama agency we held a research «Disinformation Consuming Patterns» where we presented for discussion true journalistic materials and those which contained some disinformation narratives.

Network experts created the list of challenges that help with misleading the audience shared on online platforms and recommendations provided to local newsrooms. It will help West-Ukrainian media in resisting disinformation in this region.

More details about the research, recommendations and tools provided to resist disinformation can be found in the Analytics Report of the project.

The project findings were presented by Lviv Media Forum on November 7, 2021, in Uzhhorod. This one day event was called LMF Talks: Media Networks vs Disinformation Networks and became a discussion platform for the problem of disinformation emerging and spreading on local and global levels; content consuming patterns, gaining trust of the audience to media outlets and tools to combat destructive narratives.

The goal of the event was to aid local media in resisting disinformation and elevate media literacy of the audience backed by experience of national and regional news outlets.

All LMF Talks were streamed online and can be seen on Lviv Media Forum Youtube channel:  

  1. Public interview with Pavlo Klimkin «Ukraine in Modern Global World: Main Challenges and Possible Scenarios».
  2. Discussion «Social Media vs Legacy Media: Can Traditional Media Resist Disinformation Influence on Population from Social Media?»
  3. Presentation of «West Ukrainian Media Network For Countering Disinformation»: Experience, Challenges, Opportunities» project.
  4. Discussion «Enhancing Voices of Scientists and Doctors to Resist Disinformation #проковід».
  5. Open discussion with Peter Pomerantsev «Disinformation Goes Global: Causes, Consequences, Solutions».

«West Ukrainian Media Network For Countering Disinformation» project is backed by the United States Agency of International Development (USAID).