Let's have a chat about human language in media and communications
Otar Dovzhenko, Creative Director of Lviv Media Forum, and Liudmyla Smoliar, Head of Communications at UAnimals, invite you to meet in an informal atmosphere and talk about language in media and communications - human and not-so-human.
Have you had a bellyful of such phrases as " these persons" and "carrying out"? Do you get annoyed every time you read a press release or official statement and don't understand what it is about? Do you wonder why they use ten complicated words to say something that can be expressed in three simple ones? You are not alone. Inhuman language is our daily pain and the contagion we dream of overcoming.
That's why we want to get together on 4 April to talk about the following:
- where does the bureaucracy come from in our texts and our lives;
- professional terminology, jargon, anglicisms - is it ok or not ok?
- why writing in human language is better than in non-human language;
- what to do with the argument "it's officially called so"/"it's in the law";
- how we fight for human language and even sometimes win.
We provide content, memes and an atmospheric gathering. All you have to do is fill in the form and attend the event.
When: 4 April, 17:00. Where: Lviv Media Hub (120 G Shevchenko Street).
Entrance fee: a bottle of your favourite wine (or something tasty/soft if you don't drink). Come and have a good time.
We are holding this event with the support of the National Endowment for Democracy.