Centre for Ukrainian Journalists Created in Bucharest

The French media and civil society development agency CFI is setting up a centre for Ukrainian journalists in Bucharest, Romania. It is an opportunity to receive material, financial, logistical and psychosocial assistance.

The CFI team is ready to cover:

  • residence of the journalists and their immediate relatives (spouse, children, parents);
  • equipment grant;
  • jobs to continue working;
  • administrative support by establishing contacts of beneficiaries with various humanitarian and consular organizations;
  • child care, if necessary;
  • individual psychological support;
  • fact-checking and fight against disinformation mentoring and training;
  • physical and digital security training and mentoring.

Support will last one to six months and can be extended upon request.

Who can apply:

  • You are a woman or a man from Ukraine, living in Ukraine or evacuated to Romania due to the war; you are in a neighbouring country and want to settle in Romania.
  • You are a freelance journalist, or you work with the Ukrainian media.
  • You have a project about the situation in Ukraine, and you want to develop it.
  • Living in Ukraine/Romania (or neighbouring countries), you want to take a few months off to advance your project or gain new skills.

Applications deadline: June 30, 2022, 23:59 (CET).