Emergency Media Support Program

Lviv Media Forum together with donors and partners has been implementing the Emergency Media Support Program during the war since 24th of February. Since the beginning of the Emergency Media Support Program, Lviv Media Forum have been helping newsrooms and journalists 24/7 via both phone and email. We have developed sustainable procedures and practices for selecting media and journalists for support.

As a part of Emergency Media Support Program, Ukrainian editorial boards and journalists can get:

  • shelter in Lviv: a place to stay, shower, laundry, food;
  • a place to work in a hub at Lviv with the Internet and charging stations;
  • individual consultations and support of professional psychologists;
  • cybersecurity consultations, site protection;
  • help with Facebook, Instagram and Twitter requests;
  • Equipment for personal protection;
  • financial support for hosting and content production;
  • work equipment;

Under this programme, Lviv Media Forum can provide support to media that:

  • has been operating on the Ukrainian market for at least 2 years;
  • is still working or ready to resume work;
  • has the human and professional capacity to produce original content;
  • produces content of significant public interest;
  • they do not promote pro-Russian forces, do not spread Russian propaganda and toxic narratives;
  • has a good reputation in the media environment.

We also take into account our own experience of cooperation with the media within the framework of Media Forum programmes and projects, if we have any.

To receive assistance and get any additional information, please send a request to info@lvivmediaforum.com. Subject line: "Emergency media support programme: request from YOUR MEDIA NAME". We will respond within three days.

The Emergency Media Support Program is implemented in cooperation with International Renaissance Foundation, Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Prague Civil Society Centre, USAID - US Agency for International Development, International Media Support (IMS), Deutsche Welle Akademie and n-ost.