The 2019 Kryvenko Prize "For Progress in Journalism" was awarded to Iryna Slavinska

On the first day of the Lviv Media Forum, the sixteenth laureate of the Olexandr Kryvenko Prize "For Progress in Journalism" was announced.

This year, the “Postup Chapter” awarded it to Iryna Slavinska, producer of UA: Radio Culture as a part of the National Public Broadcasting Company of Ukraine, a Ukrainian journalist, translator, public figure, and a member of the Ukrainian PEN.

The Award was founded by the "Postup Chapter”. It includes friends and colleagues of the well-known journalist and editor Oleksandr Kryvenko, who tragically died on April 9, 2003.

“Sashko Kryvenko was the person who tried almost everything in journalism. During his time, he has laid down so many such “mines” that help many of us to keep away from paid for news, politicization, and attempts to work without standards. On behalf of his colleagues, I want to say that we had a very heated dispute. Because Krivenko’s journalism goes back in time. It will never be the same as while he was with us. But as a result of our heated discussions, we have decided - for the dedication to the transformation of cultural journalism and public media - to award UA: Radio Culture's Iryna Slavinskа, "- said Vakhtang Kipiani, editor-in-chief of Istorychna Pravda (“Historical Truth”)

This year's award winner thanked the “Postup Chapter” for their trust.

"It's a real honor for me. Because Public Radio was and is a very important stage for me. And it is very important that Oleksandr Kryvenko was behind those who created the first public radio in Ukraine. Also it’s good to hear the cultural journalism being mentioned. It is often underestimated, but I think it is in this “fold” that we can find many answers to many of our questions for ourselves, ”said Slavinska.

The Prize is awarded annually in May on the birthday of Alexander Kryvenko. Since 2013, the ceremony has taken place within the Lviv Media Forum. In recent years, many Ukrainian journalists and editors have become the winners of the Award: Serhiy Rakhmanin, Volodymyr Aryev, Sergiy Leshchenko, Vakhtang Kipiani, Olena Prytula, Mustafa Nayem, Yulia Mostova, Konstantin Usov, Oleksa Shalaisky, Hristina Berdynskyh, Natalka Sedlecka, Roman Vintoniv, Orest Drul, and Polish journalist and diplomat Marcin Wojciechowski.