Support the Media — Cheer Lviv Media Forum Up

Lviv Media Forum had its 8th birthday on the 18th of March.

From the moment it was founded, Lviv Media Forum aims to make Ukrainian media "healthy" – professional, ethical, and capable. That is why Lviv Media Forum team asks to make donations to the media – that is the best present ever. Ukrainian media capability is often equal to their financial freedom.

We start the campaign to donate media by donating UAH 8 000 to 8 newsrooms: TheUkrainians, 4vlada, Slidstvo.Info,,, Bihus.Info, Hromadske Radio, Chytomo.

We invite everyone to join the campaign and give financial and informational support to Ukrainian media outlets.

How can one join?

1. Donate your favourite media with any affordable sum of money. You can do it once or subscribe to a regular payment;

2. Tell your friends about it and encourage them to join the campaign;

Here is the list of media outlets (constantly updated) that you can support in any way convenient for you:

If you think the list lacks an important media outlet — let us know at

Here's to healthy media!