Event & Space Manager vacancy

Hello! We, the team of the Lviv Media Forum, are looking for an Event & Space Manager with whom we can develop the Lviv Media Hub space for media professionals.

Lviv Media Forum is a non-governmental organisation about media and for media. Since 2013, we have been working to make the Ukrainian media "healthy" - global, professional, ethical and capable.

Lviv Media Hub is a space in Lviv where journalists, media professionals, communicators and representatives of the public sector can work and hold events.

What you will get from the job:

  • the opportunity to improve in event organisation (we organise the international LMF conference every year and not only - we will be happy to share our experience);
  • the opportunity to gain experience working with large international organisations;
  • stability and confidence, as much as possible in times of war. We have been working for eleven years and continue to grow;
  • a team where common sense prevails and people value and support each other;
  • healthy team practices and informal communication (why not go on a picnic or build a library for the hospital?).

What you will do:

  • maintain life and order in the space: contractors and technical services are organised, everything is ordered, purchased and working, and what does not work is quickly put back in order;
  • assist the Lviv Media Forum team (dealing with incoming documents, office mail and phone, assisting in the preparation of documents, mailings, organising team events;
  • manage bookings, brief clients who want to hold an event in our space
  • organise events: from the moment we say "yes" to each other to the last signed act.

What we expect from you:

  • have experience in event organisation;
  • have a passion for creating a great customer experience in your blood; 
  • love and know how to manage contractors;
  • simplify and improve processes around you - your state of mind;
  • knowledge of English from B1;
  • live in Lviv.

Do you want to join the team? Please fill out the application form (please include a link to your CV and a brief description of your motivation).

After reviewing the application, we will contact you and offer a test task that will take up to 4 hours of your time. Based on the results, we will be happy to invite you for an interview.