Local Media Digital Security Improvement

The collaboration project between the Lviv Media Forum and Digital Security Lab aimed at enhancing the digital security and data protection of local editorial offices.

Specialists carry out a thorough audit of the IT-infrastructure of editorial offices to identify potential vulnerabilities that are connected to the usage of digital products or services.

According to the results, editorials receive recommendations that can lower digital risks and improve data protection, for example:

  • improve gadget and services usage security, accounts of staff members;
  • ensure integrity of data in case of losing gadgets;
  • virus and spyware protection;
  • maintaining anonymity while using voice chats, email or texting.

The target audience for the project were editorial offices that usually cover stories that gather a lot of public attention or carry out investigative reporting:

  1. Investigative Reporting Agency "Chetverta Vlada";
  2. Zakarpattya Independent Online-Publication "Varosh";
  3. Media Investigation Center "Prozoro";
  4. "Dostup do Pravdy".